Return on Investment Calculators

Go ahead enter your numbers

Find your ROI......

Network Down Cost Analysis Calculator

Calculate the cost of an unavailable network
Take the number of workers that need the network to do their job...................... =   
Multipy it by the average wage per worker, per hour (include burden rate)........... X
This equals the Productivity Cost per hour ...................................................... =
Add the Business Loss Cost per hour ............................................................ +
This is the total cost per hour of your unavailable network .............................. =


...................................The Cost of Internet Abuse

"Internet Abuse Drains Time and Money"
"March 15th Internet Slowdown "
"The Next Generation of Content Filters Is Here "

Use this Internet abuse cost calculator to determine how much web surfing is costing your organization.
Number of employees  
Average hourly cost per employee including overheads $
Average time each employee spends per day surfing
personal Internet sites at work (in hours)

Non-work-related Internet surfing could be costing your organization as much as...
 $ / day
 $ / week
 $ / year*



SPAM, Trojans and Viruses

Spam and viruses cost businesses $23 billion dollars in 2003
from lost productivity, interruption of services and
wasted or damaged resources.

More than 7,000 new viruses, worms and Trojan
horses were identified in 2003, costing businesses
$13 billion according to the Computer Research Board.

Spam accounts for more than 70% of all email traffic today.

Use our spam calculator to find out
how much we can save your company today!

Input your Information
Email Users   
Length of Analysis
(In Years)
Spam Messages Received Per User Each Day
Employee Average Yearly Salary

Your Results
User Productivity Lost
Storage Costs
Management / IT Costs
Downtime Costs

The Bottom Line
Total Estimated Monthly
Losses to Spam
Total Estimated Yearly
Losses to Spam:

Total Monthly Fee for Spam and Virus Filtering Service

Savings Per Month
Savings Per Year


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Greg Gipson, CEO
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"The iDEAL team has reduced our costs significantly while increasing our
level of service"
Greg Gipson, CEO
Gipson Manufacturing




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